Posts in personal development
#242: Learn to Cook Really Good Food Starting Today with Brigitte Gemme

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I have a thoughtful conversation with author, Brigitte Gemme about why cooking is important, and how we can develop this invaluable skill. This episode is especially applicable to all of us that exclaim “I hate cooking!”

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#241: Why Healthy Boundaries are Foundational to Self-Love with Dr. Shainna Ali

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we discuss boundaries: what they are, why they are so difficult to set, and how to design them for your mental health and wellbeing. I also share my own vulnerable struggles with setting boundaries in my career. 

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#240: SIBO, Intestinal Overgrowth, and Using a Plant-Based Approach to Gut Health with Dietitians, James and Dahlia Marin

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we learn about different forms of microbial intestinal overgrowth, how they develop, the symptoms they cause, and what you can start to do about it. We also learned about prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, and the least talked about causes of GI disorders. This episode is jam-packed with applicable information for maintaining, improving and optimizing your gut health. If you suffer from digestive issues, this episode is definitely for you!

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#239: Making Plant-Based Delicious and Ultra Convenient with Chef Robin Jeep

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I interview long time nutritarian and chef, Robin Jeep, about how her journey into plant-based nutrition saved her life after a tragic accident, her ensuing career, and her latest venture to make plant-based eating delicious and ultra convenient.

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#238: Why You Should Add Herbs to Your Well-Being Regimen with Dr. Bill Rawls

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we learn from Dr. Bill Rawls, who had to suffer from chronic illness for years before discovering the power of herbs. Now he’s on a mission to spread the knowledge of Lifestyle Medicine and the impact of integrating herbs daily for health maintenance and recovery. If you’re curious about herbs, and how to start integrating them into your wellness protocol, this is the episode for you!

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#237: What it means to decolonize your plate with Nicolette Richer

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we learn from PhD candidate Nicolette Richer how traditional foods can be used as medicine and how colonization has affected our experience and perception of traditional foods. We also learn more about the complexities of food access and what Nicolette is doing to make a difference in the world.

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#236: How you approach your healthcare could be hurting you with Susan Salengar

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we have a very informative and practical discussion about how women manage and mismanage their health in ways that may not be as helpful or beneficial. We also leave you with tips on how you can better approach your healthcare. This is a very important topic for all women to inform themselves on!

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#235: Stronger, Fitter and Happier in Your 70's and beyond with Jane Thurnell-Read

In this very inspiring episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we get to know Jane Thurnell-Read, a vegan independent author and blogger in her 70's that is thriving in older age and getting stronger, fitter and happier as she ages. We talk about aging, longevity, resistance training and her favorite healthy eating tips. This is the perfect episode to start off the new year. I know you'll love it! 

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