#236: How you approach your healthcare could be hurting you with Susan Salengar

“I almost hate to say this, but I think that the wellness movement has, in some ways, although I think they have it's done a lot of good and given women and men some wonderful tips on how to live healthfully, but by the same token, its assumption is that if you take really good care of yourself you won't be sick.” -Susan Salenger

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we have a very informative and practical discussion about how women manage and mismanage their health in ways that may not be as helpful or beneficial. We also give you tips on how to better approach your healthcare. This is a very important topic for all women to inform themselves on!

Some of the topics covered in today’s episode include:

  • The 3 most common hurdles women need to overcome to improve their healthcare

  • Why women blame themselves so much for their health problems

  • How to balance empowering women about their health and not overemphasizing personal responsibility

  • Top 3 tips for women who want to manage their health and decision-making capabilities better

  • Susan’s perspective of aging and her longevity secrets

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Susan Salenger

More about my honored guest:

Susan Salenger is the author and researcher behind Sidelined, How Women Manage & Mismanage Their Health. Sidelined examines the many ways in which some women manage and sometimes mismanage their healthcare. (Release date, April, 2022)

Susan explores how women, typically the medical gatekeepers for their families, tend to be extremely conscientious about taking care of themselves, yet at the same time inadvertently undermine their own care. They often hesitate to call the doctor when they don’t feel well and worry that their doctor visit will take time away from their families or work. They may hesitate to ask doctors the necessary questions and don’t always comply with the doctor’s instructions. Salenger’s research reveals how conflicted many women are about the medical decisions they ultimately make.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Susan attended UCLA to study English. After graduation, she worked alongside her husband Fred for 25 years at their production company, Salenger Films, which produced corporate training and development films distributed worldwide. Today, at age 79, Susan lives in Northern California to be near her incredible family which includes her two daughters, four grandchildren, a cat named Max and a dog named JD (Salenger). When she is not speaking about her book or spending time with family and friends, you will find Susan power lifting to stay in shape. Susansalenger.com

The information on this blog, website and podcast is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace careful evaluation and treatment. If you have concerns about your or your child’s eating, nutrition or growth, consult a doctor.


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