#224: Why legumes make sense with Juana Yupangco

“We grew up believing that [beans spike uric acid and gout], everybody grew up believing that… so that's why we don't eat beans in this country.” -Juana Yupangco


In this energetic episode, plant-based Filipina Juana Yupangco tells us about her plant-based journey living in the Philippines and all of the fascinating things she has learned about legumes. You're gonna love this episode!

Some of the topics covered in today’s episode include:

  • Juana’s journey into plant-based nutrition

  • The cultural struggles she and her children have faced eating a plant-based diet

  • Her non-profit, Mesa ni Misis

  • Juana’s master thesis research into legumes!

  • Interesting health beliefs prevalent in the Philippines that keep some Filipinos from eating beans

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Juana Yupangco

More about my honored guest:

In 2017, Juana Yupangco founded Mesa ni Misis with the simple mission of wanting more Filipinos to eat more Filipino vegetables. Juana has since collaborated with top restaurants in Manila to promote the use of local vegetables in their menus. She conducts classes and seminars on plant-based cooking using only the Bahay Kubo vegetables of the Philippines as these are available all year round . Mesa ni Misis works with local LGU’s and public schools to help enhance their nutrition programs. To further her education on plant-based nutrition, Juana completed the Plant Based Nutrition course at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She is currently taking up her Masters at the University of Edinburgh, in the field of Global Nutrition and Food Security, and was the recipient of the Richard Davidson Scholarship award.

In late 2020, the Mesa ni Misis cookbook, authored by Yupangco was published under ABS CBN Books. The book features 40 plant-based recipes that make use of local, native Filipino vegetables. The philosophy behind Mesa ni Misis recipes is to make Filipino vegetables the star of the show, by using them in international cuisines. Recipes include Italian, Lebanese, Indian, Spanish and Filipino dishes, which use local produce. The book was awarded ‘Best in the World’ in the vegetarian category at the 2021 Gourmand awards. ‘The book is currently on its second print run. @mesanimisis

The information on this blog, website and podcast is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace careful evaluation and treatment. If you have concerns about your or your child’s eating, nutrition or growth, consult a doctor.


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