Posts in personal development
#251: How to go from sober curious to sober-minded with Jenn Kautsch

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I have an informative and stimulating conversation with Jenn Kautsch about her journey, her mission, and how to become more sober-minded. This is the perfect episode for you if you have been contemplating your relationship with alcohol.

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#250: A Plant-Based Diet Changed Her Life and Career with Dr. Erin Mayfield

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we get to know Dr. Erin Mayfield and her journey into plant-based nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine. We discover how a plant-based diet helped her overcome compulsive overeating and how she is passionate about using her knowledge to help others transform their lives.

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#248: How To Be a Joyful Vegan with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I have a delightful and enlightening conversation with the ever-optimistic and wise Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. She shows us how to shift our perspective, find hope and improve our advocacy for animals.

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#247: Plantpure Comfort with Kim Campbell

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I chat with experienced home chef, and three time cookbook author, Kim Campbell, about her newest book plant pure comfort, her interesting journey, and her hopes for the future.

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#246: Racing Toward a Better Vegan Supplement with Maria Cebrian, Terraseed

In this intriguing episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we learn about the complexities and pitfalls of the supplement industry, and how Maria Cebrian, founder of Terraseed, is working to create a supplement that aligns with the values of veganism and sustainability. We also discuss her effort to prompt transparent labeling from supplement companies. I guarantee you’ll learn something new!

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#245: Vegan Bodybuilding and Body Image with Dr. Minil Patel 

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I interview Dr. Minil Patel about his extreme paradigm shift into veganism and his experience with bodybuilding as a vegan. We talk about protein, body image, and the difficult moments in the bodybuilding journey.

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#244: Save money AND time with Plant-based on a budget founder Toni Okamoto

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I chat with Toni Okamoto about all the ways eating plant-based can fit into your financial and time budget. She absolutely confirms that the common belief that eating plant-based is more expensive is a myth! Listen to this episode to get some helpful and practical tips!

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#243: Perimenopause: What You Need to Know with Dr. Amanda Tracy

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, we learn about perimenopause and why it’s important to be aware and prepared for this transitional stage of life that could last 7 to 10 years. Tune in to this episode to discover the symptoms that can occur during perimenopause, what can worsen hormonal imbalances, and what you can do to ease the bumpy hormonal ride. This is a very actionable episode with great tips! 

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