#105: How Continuous Glucose Monitoring Can Help You Reach Your Health Goals with Dr. Casey Means

“Metabolic dysfunction is tied in with such a huge plethora of different problems and is really a common denominator in so much of what we’re seeing in this country.” -Dr. Casey Means

Dr. Casey Means has been interested in how our diet and lifestyle choices affect our health and wellbeing since she was in college and began to study nutrigenomics. She eventually became a head and neck surgeon but became disillusioned when she realized that by dolling out prescriptions and performing surgeries for people with chronic ear infections and sinusitis, she was not helping to address the root cause of their inflammation: their diet and lifestyle. She sought out training in functional medicine and now she uses lifestyle medicine tools to help patients find the root cause of their conditions. She also became the CMO of Levels, a metabolic health company that is working to bring continuous glucose monitors to those that want to optimize their health. It is a fascinating concept and will likely help empower many in their journey to health and wellbeing.

In this episode of Veggie Doctor Radio, I talk with Dr. Casey Means, a functional medicine and lifestyle medicine physician about continuous glucose monitoring and how her company, Levels is planning to bring this technology to people like you.

We discuss:

  • How she became interested in nutrigenomics

  • The definition of functional medicine

  • What it means to be metabolically healthy and what percentage of people in the USA meet criteria

  • What continuous glucose monitoring is and why this technology was originally developed

  • What glycemic variability is and why it applies to you

  • How glycemic variability can affect seemingly unrelated things like mood, mental sharpness and athletic pursuits

  • How food pairing can help control sugar spikes

  • Racial disparities and inequities in metabolic health and why they may occur

  • What she wishes more people knew

  • The personal habit she is most proud of

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More about my honored guest:

Casey Means, MD is a Stanford-trained physician, Chief Medical Officer of metabolic health company Levels, and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention. Her entrepreneurial work focuses on digital health products to inspire healthy behavior change, reverse chronic disease, and modernize healthcare by empowering patients with access to their personal data.  Dr. Means has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Insider, Endocrine Today, Startupbeat, Healthy Human Revolution, Well + Good, and more, and her writing has been recently published in TheHill.com and Metabolism with articles about the strong relationship between chronic lifestyle-related diseases and COVID-19 mortality, and innovative healthcare and policy solutions to ameliorate this. She is an award-winning biomedical researcher, with past research positions at the National Institutes, Stanford School of Medicine, and NYU. Her clinical work focuses on Functional & Lifestyle Medicine, with an emphasis on whole foods plant based (WFPB) nutrition, mind-body connection, and physical activity as foundations of metabolic and overall health.

You can learn more at: www.caseymeansmd.com

The information on this blog, website and podcast is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace careful evaluation and treatment. If you have concerns about your or your child’s eating, nutrition or growth, consult a doctor.

Call to Action —> Eat more fiber! Aim for 50+ grams per day!

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