#61: Managing Your Thoughts and Feelings is Everything
“We are what we think. All that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” -Buddha
Do you ever feel like you are being held hostage by your feelings and emotions?
When I learned that our feelings arise from our thoughts and that we have the ability to observe and manage our thoughts, I had a huge breakthrough in my life.
Although it takes willingness and practice, learning to manage your thoughts and feelings can decrease emotional pain and suffering and also remove obstacles from getting what you want in life.
Here’s one of the biggest revelations I’e had in my life: Our feelings are derived from our thoughts! And we can change our feelings, by changing our thoughts.
How we FEEL affects the results we create in our lives.
This is GREAT news because it means that you have more control over your results than you ever thought was possible.
In today’s episode I am going to teach you Brooke Castillo’s Self-Coaching Model so that you can start using it to observe your thoughts and feelings.
Brooke Castillo’s Self-Coaching Model
C - Circumstance
T- Thought
F - Feeling
A - Action
R - Result
I hope it impacts your life as much as it did mine!
Call to Action —> Tune into your thoughts and objectively observe them. Then play around with different thoughts and observe how they make you feel.
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