#108b: The Plant-Based Starter Kit: My Favorite Plant-Based & Vegan Books and Documentaries

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The Plant-Based Starter Kit

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When I first transitioned to a plant-based diet, I watched several documentaries and read many, many books. It can be so helpful and inspiring to learn more information and to watch inspiring stories. Documentaries can also make quite and impact and they are easy to digest and share with friends and family. And with modern technology you can stream from the comfort of your home. But now there are so many that it is difficult to know where to start! I will share my top 5 recommendations and then a few others that deserve honorable mention. 

My Favorite Book

How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger 

This is my favorite book by far. I love how the book is organized into the top 15 causes of death in the United States and how a plant-based diet can reduce your risk of those conditions. It is funny, well-written and thoroughly backed by the scientific literature. All of the references are included in the book so that you can look up the original study yourself if you want. The audiobook is read by Dr. Greger and it is fun to listen to. If you want the science behind the power of a plant-based diet, this is the book to read. 

My Favorite Documentaries

Forks Over Knives

This documentary was released in 2011 and it details how a whole foods plant-based diet can prevent or potentially reverse chronic disease. I have heard from countless people that this documentary inspired them to make the transition to a plant-based diet. 

The Game Changers

One of the newer plant-based documentaries, this takes it a step further and documents how athletes are using a plant-based diet to improve their health and performance. It also explains how erectile dysfunction can be related to diet and the dramatic difference that a plant-based diet can make. This is a very well-made and fact checked documentary and has made a very big impact. I highly recommend it especially for those that are more athletically inclined or very concerned about fitness. 


Released in 2014, this documentary makes the connection between our diet and climate change. How what we eat related to carbon emissions and sustainability. It is incredibly eye-opening and impactful. This is especially relevant for those that care about our planet and want to ensure that they are doing everything they can to reduce their carbon footprint. Be aware that the facts and figures presented in this film can feel a bit overwhelming when you first learn the reality of what is really happening to our planet. 


A lower budget documentary, this film looks at the philosophical and ethical considerations when choosing a plant-based diet. It is funny, insightful and examines our cognitive dissonance head on. There are a couple scenes that might be a bit graphic so viewer discretion is advised. 

Honorable Mentions: Books

Diet for a New America by John Robbins

This was one of the first books I read when I made the transition to a plant-based diet. Very well written and thorough, it addresses all the reasons why one might make a change to a plant-based diet. Since I first read it, a newer updated edition has been released. I highly recommend it if you are at the beginning of your journey. 

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

An iconic work describing Dr. Campbells research findings and showing how animal products can affect our health and increase our risk of cancer. Very scientifically inclined, this book is perfect for those that like data. This book has changed the lives of many. 

The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall

Dr. McDougall is on of the grandfathers in the plant-based movement. He emphasizes a low-fat starch based diet and explains why in this book. It also includes recipes!

Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman

Dr. Fuhrman is the creator of nutritarianism and describes in his book why some plant foods pack even more nutrition than others. This is a great book to learn more about the nutrient density of a plant-based diet and why eating more whole plant foods is beneficial for our health. This book also includes recipes!

Eating Animals by Jonathan Foer

This book can be a bit intense to read, but it is a great argument for reducing meat consumption. It can be a bit graphic in some parts, but nevertheless it is worthwhile to understand the different ways eating animals is harmful not just to us, but to them. 

Honorable Mentions: Documentaries

What the Health

Released in 2017, this documentary had a big impact and influenced many people to try a plant-based diet. It is made by the same guys that made Cowspiracy, is very well-made, interesting and engaging. 


The documentary that brings to light the ways that animals are exploited for food, fashion and entertainment. This film contains many graphic images and can be really hard to watch, but if you are ready to become a vegan, it is pretty much a rite of passage. Watch with a friend and a box of tissues. 

These are just my very favorite books and films, but there are so many to choose from. Here is a link to 41 vegan documentaries.

I have also listed more of my favorite books and documentaries in my resource page at www.veggiefitkids.com/resources

I hope that you find some that inspire you and empower you to choose a diet that aligns with your values and your health and wellbeing goals. Happy reading and watching!


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