Posts tagged Health
#314: Flourishing in Perimenopause and Menopause Using Lifestyle Medicine with Dr. Nitu Bajekal

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, we learn more about perimenopause and menopause from experienced OB/GYN Dr. Nitu Bajekal. She describes typical symptoms and timelines and what we can do with our diet and lifestyle habits and behaviors to reduce symptoms and support our health and longevity. We also discuss indications for HRT/MHT and who to seek help from. This is an excellent and information-packed episode for people that will be or are going through this transition.

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#313: Creating Innovative Lifestyle Medicine Initiatives with Lily Correa, RD

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, I interview Lily Correa, MPH, RD about the incredible and inspiring work that her amazing team is doing at NYC Health + Hospitals. We learn about her plant-based journey and how her work is so gratifying, but requires patience and perseverance. She also gives tips for how other health care professionals can make an impact and influence those around them. 

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#312: How to Use Cupping as a Home Healing Modality with Dr. Tom Ingegno

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, Dr. Tom Ingegno teaches us about cupping and how to safely use it at home as a healing method. He also describes when cupping would not be safe and when to seek professional help. This is a very informative episode especially if you are curious about trying cupping yourself.

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#311: Rewiring the Brain to Find Joy Using Emotional Brain Training with Dr. Laurel Mellin

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, we learn about an innovative technique called Emotional Brain Training (EBT) that can help shut off the stress cascade that leads us to mental and physical health. We also learn about the greater benefits of using EBT to connect with our joy so that we may live more purposeful and spiritual lives. This is a fascinating episode that I hope you will love! 

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#310: How Tapping Can Cure Your Emotional Eating with Brittany Watkins

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, Brittany Watkins, creator of The Echo Tapping Method, discusses tapping and how it can help people overcome emotional eating, phobias and other addictions in just a few sessions. She discusses the history of this unusual technique and how it could change your life. A link to a 7 day challenge to experience tapping for yourself is included in the show notes!

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#309: Sexuality, Spirituality and Shame with Kaamna Bhojwani

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, sexuality researcher Kaamna Bhojwani discusses the complex interplay between sexuality and shame and how we can shed the shame and guilt to embrace a new self-identity. She also teaches us why it's important to open conversations about sex and sexuality with our children early as well as why we should expect that sex and sexuality will evolve over the course of a long-term relationship.

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#308: Raising Vegan Babies with Ashley Renne

Discover the transformative power of living a compassionate, plant-based life with my guest, Ashley Renee Nsonwu. In a heart-to-heart that's as nourishing for the soul as it is for the body, Ashley – an environmental advocate, author, and vegan mom – shares her journey from an eye-opening experience in Bali to creating delectable vegan recipes for the whole family. Laugh and learn with us as we explore the colorful world of banana beet pancakes suitable for tots to teens, and discuss Ashley's dedication to making plant-based nutrition knowledge widespread, particularly in communities facing climate change and health disparities. 

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#307: Break Up With Alcohol to Reach Your Highest Potential with Amanda Kuda

In this episode of I AM HUMAN, I interview Amanda Kuda, author of Unbottled Potential: Break Up With Alcohol and Breakthrough to Your Best Life, about why and how alcohol can be stopping us from reaching our highest potential and living our best lives. We talk about emotions, authenticity and how learning to sit with the ups and downs makes you a more resilient person. This is a fantastic episode if you are sober curious, but it applies to anyone who feels that they have a habit that’s holding them back from living a life they desire. 

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#306: Body Recomposition Mindset with Fit Vegan, Maxime Sigouin

Today we take a surprising and captivating journey with Maxime Sigouin, the dynamic founder and CEO of Fit Vegan Coaching, as we explore the remarkable transformation achievable through a plant-based diet and mindful fitness. Listen in as Maxime shares his personal evolution from a meat-centric bodybuilder to a high-fashion model to thriving on veganism. We unravel the complexities of body recomposition, especially for individuals aged 45 to 80, underscoring the importance of resistance training and bone density. 

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